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Navio Pirata - 1/72

Navio Pirata - 1/72

Código: REV 05605

Kit para montar - Navio Pirata - 1/72

Escala: 1/72
Comprimento: 550mm
Largura/Envergadura: 470mm
Número de peças: 896

Requer cola e tinta

Cores de referência:
2 06 15 17 30 35 36 51 83 88 89 91 92 94 301 302 310 314 331 365 371 381 382

Sobre o original:
Even today people fall under the spell of piracy. Who does not know those tales from the 16th to the 18th centuries when the lawless pirates plied their evil trade, particularly in the Caribbean and off the coasts of South America. Insidiously they attacked ships in the search for gold, silver and coins and then disappeared under cover of darkness. The pirates stowed their booty in safe hiding places on one of the many small secluded islands. There they also sought refuge from the Spanish, British and Portuguese warships. The pirates were a law unto themselves. Their badge was the "Jolly Roger" the pirate flag known throughout the world.

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